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Early evidence on the economic consequences associated with integrated report quality

Sep 30, 2016 · 329.3 KB Download



A study motivated by the recent focus on sustainable capitalism and the global interest shown by firms, investors, and regulators in the work of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).

We undertook a study as part of a research project funded by the CIMA South Africa Centre of Excellence to provide early evidence on the economic effects associated with the quality of mandatory integrated reports, in respect of firms' stock liquidity, their value, their expected future case flows, and their cost of equity capital. This report summarizes the main findings.

IRQ may help investors to understand a firm's strategy and business model better, enabling them also to estimate future cash flows better.

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Download the Early evidence on the economic consequences associated with integrated report quality

File name: 4398-economic-consequences-academic-research-report.pdf

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