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Sample response to STAR – Skills and behaviours

Jan 31, 2023 · 2.4 MB Download



What is this?
Examples of completed STAR templates with assessor notes on good and poor answers.

Why do I need it?
It helps you see the detail required and has useful tips on what the assessor wants to see.

How do I use it?
The worked examples are best used in conjunction with the guidance for applicants, which outlines what is required in the STAR templates and also has examples of the types of examples you might choose and self-reflection questions to help you think about examples from your work experience.

You will also find it helpful to look at the Achieved and Not Achieved descriptors for STAR templates, which both your PER supervisor and assessors will use when reviewing your STAR templates. The example you chose will be particular to your personal work experience.

The assessor tips and characteristics of good answers will apply equally to any skills/behaviour or core activity, so although we’ve chosen to use examples of growth mindset and ethics here, the tips will be relevant for any STAR template you write up.

Download the Star worked examples skills and behaviours

File name: per-star-examples-2.2.pdf

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Every bit of feedback you provide will help us improve your experience